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A Publication of Bill Mendrop Clothiers

                                                                                                JANUARY 2013

"You can have whatever you want if you dress the part. Don't settle for an ordinary life with an ordinary image. Be extraordinary!"


-Sherry Maysonave


HeaderThe best type of collar for you is the collar that creates a flattering, powerful look-and that look depends on many factors, including your physical build, the occasion, and your personality. Here are a few common types of collars to consider when creating your next custom shirt:


Straight collar. Thinner ties are at home with a straight collar. The straight collar is the most prevalent choice in menswear, as its simplicity creates elegance and professionalism without calling attention to itself.


Button-down collar. This collar is the most casual choice for your shirts, and can be easily worn with a sweater or sport coat. Avoid wearing a button-down collar with a double-breasted suit.


Tab collar. A tab collar not only keeps the points of the collar from moving out of position, it pushes the tie knot out slightly, giving it an appealing shape and prominence.


Spread collar. If you prefer thick ties with a substantial knot, a spread collar will give the tie plenty of room to breathe without looking crowded. Spread collars also add width to a thin face or neck. One variation is the Wide spread (British spread) collar. This collar places the points even farther apart than does the spread collar. It works well with heavier, bulkier tie knots. It's not recommended for those seeking to minimize a thicker neck or face, but can create a classic British style when paired with a substantial tie.  


Let's talk about which type of collar would work best for you. Call us today for a personal consultation.




















Bill Question: What color shirt is best for job interviews?


Answer: Unless you're applying to work as a graphic designer or other artistic talent, a job interview isn't the place to show off every facet of your personal sense of style. Instead of wearing your most unique look, showcase your ability to create a professional appearance by selecting a traditional look for your interview.


Your first choice for an interview shirt is standard white, followed by light blue. Save the shirts with stripes, checks, and bold colors for later. Your tie need not be limited to a "power tie," but should be conservative in tone.




















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